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From: Jarod Jason Ivins <jarod.ivins@myldsmail.net>
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 4:41 AM
Subject: Slaying AFRICA
Hello my people.
I have had a great week! Last week on p day, we went to a game park called Kragga Kama. Cheetahs, giraffes, rhinos, monkeys, all kinds of boks, zebras, crocodiles, and driving through a sweet forest. Man. Those animals are so cool. They come SO close to the car, and the rhinos would demolish us. EASY! MASSIVE.
Lisa is progressing so good, and it is so fun to teach her and have her accept anything and everything. Her testimony is so strong. At church she made a lot of friends her age. So always be someone's friend at church. It is the most important thing for them. They need to be converted to the Gospel, not missionaries. But this girl, man she's dope.
Yesterday at church we received some sad news. Yamkela came up to us, and asked if he can be baptized this week! So we didn't have to wait! We asked why, and it is because he is moving to Queenstown. BUMMER. Ugh I was way sad, but more so because he will be living an hour away from a church and also missionaries. So I don't know if he will be able to stay strong. But his testimony is so strong and he has received so many answers that he has in the BOM. I know the Book of Mormon can and will always answer our questions. Hopefully he will be able to find a job this week and be able to stay.
Earlier this week, We went on splits cuz we had 2 appointments. Elder Mccarroll dropped me off at the less Actives house and left to the other appt. I was with Mzo, and after they left, the lady we were trying to see, wasn't home. and Mccarroll had the phone. And Mzos phone is broken. SO we are like well lets at least go knock some doors. 6:30 at night, NU 5. We were walking around, and I felt that I was to go to this house we were passing. As we were getting closer it just got stronger and stronger. We met this lady Nosiphiwo, she goes to a different church, but was having a hard time with her life rn. So we asked if we can share a quick message. We talked how much the gospel blesses families and I love being able to testify of that. Because I am blessed with the best. After I said the prayer, I look up and she was just crying. We sat there in silence for a minute and just let the Spirit testify of what we had shared. It was soooo cool!
On Tuesday, we went to the St. Johns church, and the old senior couple had gone there every week and teach them English and games. So we went this time. THEY ARE SO COOL! They did this awesome ritual and tradition dance and stuff before and they get so into it with drums and clapping. The kids are so fun to play with. They are so happy about everything. Just a funny face will make them laugh. And seeing them smile makes me so happy!
After, we were walking back to where they would pick us up, and now its about 7, which is really late here. People go to bed about 8 and idk its just really different than home. But every homeless/drunk and sketchy guy walked up to us asking for money and getting really close to us. It was pretty scary.. And Mzo was saying how it could've been really bad, but I am blessed that we were protected.
Another sketchy thing, was last night, we were driving to an appointment, and, SA driving, well it is Terrifying. People don't care and run red lights and don't stop and go way fast and also people cross whenever. And we saw a guy that was hit buy a car. He was dead. AH It was so awful. It was elder Mccarrols 4th dead person and unfortunately my first. SO always be careful driving. It is safe to say that those people were all drinking and had drugs, another thing that we should never do. IT WILL HELP US AND PROTECT US.
Then, leaving Lisa's house, there was this HUGE FIGHT. People were getting out of cars, and there were about 10 people just wailing on each other. It was pretty funny to watch, until the guys that were getting wrecked, just got up and started running in our direction down the street. We had to take off and almost hit half of them. HAHA this guy just got wrecked. Feel kinda bad tho. haha
Some other things that are funny are when girls see that you are a white guy, and yell AY Mulungo vuva voom. Which is a bad saying,.... hahahahahaha
Also when people let you in that you had appointments with, and then they admit to you that they are drunk. and so we tried to leave and come back, but he made us stay cuz we had an appointment. It is so funny cuz they can't really pay attention.
But I have loved this first transfer so far and I love Elder McCarroll. He is so fun and kind. He has such a powerful testimony and is always serving me, and others. That is one thing that stands out to me is how he is always serving first. We all can be better about that.
I love you all and hope you all have a great week. The Lord Loves you and will always help. I am so thankful for your love and support and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. It is weird to get accustomed to a couple things, but South Africa is beautiful and perfect in every way, and I know this is where i need to be!
Much Love, Elder Ivins
Mastadon Rhino.
Teaching the class to all the kids.
Brother yamkela. The houses they stay in are just a room. So humbling.
Lisakhanya before her farewell dance (to show they are moving onto highschool)
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