Monday, October 31, 2016

Fwd: MOVIN FERWERD in Motherwell

It was like Christmas morning with this email. Jarod sent tons of pictures. I've attached a bunch. Our Elder is definitely still himself. He's finally getting fed by a few members and he's happy to no longer be starving!
Hope you enjoy the wild pig story!
Love, one happy Mama!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jarod Jason Ivins <>

Man, this week flew by!

On Wednesday Elder McCarroll was able to go to Cape Town and visit with his transfer, because they were going home this week. So I was able to work with the Watsons Wednesday and Thursday! They are so kind and funny to know. they went to high school together and have been married 50 years, so hearing their jokes are just so funny. It was fun to be able to contact and meet a lot of people on my own, because without McCarroll I had to put on my big Elder pants. haha

But this week was really good teaching wise too, we are meeting with two sisters, Anawe and Aphelele who are Xolani's second cousins. They have been taught for about a year, and drop a lot. so he asked us to go see them. and now they are really opening up! they are explaining what they need help with, and their concerns. such as, what happens if i get baptized and then i sin again. or how can i know if my prayers are answered. It is really awesome when people open up and we can teach to their needs. They are progressing to baptism for the 26 of Nov. I hope they can do it. Last night, we were teaching them about prayer, and we decided to do this thing where we would sit 30 sec in silence and try to listen to the spirit and what it would tell us. Then we would ask a question and they would think about it again for another minute in silence. Elder McCarroll said he would ask the question. So during the first minute I had a prayer in my heart so strong for him, and also for me to know what question to ask just in case he didn't have one. As it got closer to the end, i had a question come of, What do you need to do to draw closer to Christ? I felt the holy Ghost confirm that question. And as Elder McCarroll asked the question, he said the EXACT same thing. It was really powerful and it helped them out a lot. It was another confirmation to me as well. 

Heavenly Father constantly blesses us with fellowshippers and opportunities to serve. His hand is doing all the work.

Lisa's mom is now being taught and is really great. She had the same question as Joseph Smith. And after the restoration, she knows our church is true. It is hard tho because she works on Sundays. She will have to take a large leap of faith.

Also, the past month and week I always try to teach little kids just a simple fun handshake, and they are remembering it! It is legit the cutest thing and brings the biggest smile to my face when this little boy named Spar, yells, ELDER IVIES. And we just play. He is so cute. 

On Tuesday, we found some wild pigs, and I thought I should go try to take a pic with them. As soon as I got the selfie, the mama pig got soooo mad, maybe cuz I tried to pick up the baby. yeah, Got chased as I sprinted across a field. Crazy. I've never ran so much in my life. I was actually terrified... 

Yesterday Xolani's mom made us some really good food! It was just rice and meat stuff, but it was a lot, and good. She is so kind and is always trying to help us. Her grandson, Soso is so cute and loves to play like gun shooting with us.

I gave a talk on Sunday on obedience. It went well and it cool to have everyone really close because we are in the school, so you have a close eye to eye contact speaking. One of the scriptures that really stood out to me while studying is Romans 5:19. What ONE are we going to be? I hope we will always be obedient and loving to everyone, and in doing so we can bring many souls to Christ!

I love you all and hope everything is well. Thanks for all of the love and support. 

Love, Elder Ivins

Monday, October 17, 2016

Fwd: Slaying AFRICA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jarod Jason Ivins <>
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 4:41 AM
Subject: Slaying AFRICA

Hello my people. 
I have had a great week! Last week on p day, we went to a game park called Kragga Kama. Cheetahs, giraffes, rhinos, monkeys, all kinds of boks, zebras, crocodiles, and driving through a sweet forest. Man. Those animals are so cool. They come SO close to the car, and the rhinos would demolish us. EASY! MASSIVE. 

Lisa is progressing so good, and it is so fun to teach her and have her accept anything and everything. Her testimony is so strong. At church she made a lot of friends her age. So always be someone's friend at church. It is the most important thing for them. They need to be converted to the Gospel, not missionaries. But this girl, man she's dope. 

Yesterday at church we received some sad news. Yamkela came up to us, and asked if he can be baptized this week! So we didn't have to wait! We asked why, and it is because he is moving to Queenstown. BUMMER. Ugh I was way sad, but more so because he will be living an hour away from a church and also missionaries. So I don't know if he will be able to stay strong. But his testimony is so strong and he has received so many answers that he has in the BOM. I know the Book of Mormon can and will always answer our questions. Hopefully he will be able to find a job this week and be able to stay. 

Earlier this week, We went on splits cuz we had 2 appointments. Elder Mccarroll dropped me off at the less Actives house and left to the other appt. I was with Mzo, and after they left, the lady we were trying to see, wasn't home. and Mccarroll had the phone. And Mzos phone is broken. SO we are like well lets at least go knock some doors. 6:30 at night, NU 5. We were walking around, and I felt that I was to go to this house we were passing. As we were getting closer it just got stronger and stronger. We met this lady Nosiphiwo, she goes to a different church, but was having a hard time with her life rn. So we asked if we can share a quick message. We talked how much the gospel blesses families and I love being able to testify of that. Because I am blessed with the best. After I said the prayer, I look up and she was just crying. We sat there in silence for a minute and just let the Spirit testify of what we had shared. It was soooo cool! 

On Tuesday, we went to the St. Johns church, and the old senior couple had gone there every week and teach them English and games. So we went this time. THEY ARE SO COOL! They did this awesome ritual and tradition dance and stuff before and they get so into it with drums and clapping. The kids are so fun to play with. They are so happy about everything. Just a funny face will make them laugh. And seeing them smile makes me so happy!

After, we were walking back to where they would pick us up, and now its about 7, which is really late here. People go to bed about 8 and idk its just really different than home. But every homeless/drunk and sketchy guy walked up to us asking for money and getting really close to us. It was pretty scary.. And Mzo was saying how it could've been really bad, but I am blessed that we were protected.

Another sketchy thing, was last night, we were driving to an appointment, and, SA driving, well it is Terrifying. People don't care and run red lights and don't stop and go way fast and also people cross whenever. And we saw a guy that was hit buy a car. He was dead. AH It was so awful. It was elder Mccarrols 4th dead person and unfortunately my first. SO always be careful driving. It is safe to say that those people were all drinking and had drugs, another thing that we should never do. IT WILL HELP US AND PROTECT US. 

Then, leaving Lisa's house, there was this HUGE FIGHT. People were getting out of cars, and there were about 10 people just wailing on each other. It was pretty funny to watch, until the guys that were getting wrecked, just got up and started running in our direction down the street. We had to take off and almost hit half of them. HAHA this guy just got wrecked. Feel kinda bad tho. haha

Some other things that are funny are when girls see that you are a white guy, and yell AY Mulungo vuva voom. Which is a bad saying,.... hahahahahaha
Also when people let you in that you had appointments with, and then they admit to you that they are drunk. and so we tried to leave and come back, but he made us stay cuz we had an appointment. It is so funny cuz they can't really pay attention. 

But I have loved this first transfer so far and I love Elder McCarroll. He is so fun and kind. He has such a powerful testimony and is always serving me, and others. That is one thing that stands out to me is how he is always serving first. We all can be better about that. 

I love you all and hope you all have a great week. The Lord Loves you and will always help. I am so thankful for your love and support and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. It is weird to get accustomed to a couple things, but South Africa is beautiful and perfect in every way, and I know this is where i need to be!

Much Love, Elder Ivins

Mastadon Rhino.
Teaching the class to all the kids.
Brother yamkela. The houses they stay in are just a room. So humbling. 
Lisakhanya before her farewell dance (to show they are moving onto highschool)

Monday, October 10, 2016

10/10/16 - GOLDEN (and Don't eat the poop!!)

Happy Monday everyone!! Jarod has had another amazing week in Motherwell. He loves, loves, loves his mission!!! It is so fun to chat with him in the wee hours of Monday morning! This week he also caught Annie awake, Grandma and Grandpa in Croatia were up (they are visiting their mission and are in the same time zone,) and Haidyn up (she's pretending she's not a college student and is in Barcelona!!) During our chat he mentioned that he "saw the burned girl. Doing SOO good. All of her burns are almost closed except the chest and stomach. She can walk on her own and move. I love the power of the Priesthood and seeing the blessings of it. Thank you for the prayers and continue sending them. Her name is Moningyasha Caserole. At least I think. Her mom said it but didnt spell it."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jarod Jason Ivins <>
So this week went by sooo fast, but it was a great week! I love being here. One of the coolest things that happened was meeting and teaching two people that are progressing very well! The first is a members niece who is 12 and named Lisakhanya. She is so kind and awesome. But, she is GOLDEN. She loves to learn and remembers EVERYTHING. She has been to church and has a bunch of friends, and then loves to read the BOM. We met with her yesterday and we asked her why she wants to be baptized. Her response is because she can't wait to be made clean again and to be just like Jesus. And then so she can be officially a member of the church! Whenever we ask her about what she read, she says, Nephi and them do this, and then Lehi did this. She's so cool. I can't wait for the 29th when her date is and I hope she will continue to prepare!
The next is a man who drives a local taxi and when giving a member a ride somewhere, she was telling him how great she is because of the gospel and how much she loves it. And then she talked about faith. This was an answer to exactly what he is looking for so she gave him our number. He called us that day! We didn't have much time but took him a Book of Mormon and told him to read the introduction before coming the next day. He did and saw the reference to Moroni. So he read that. But, he wanted more background, and so he read ALL of Moroni. aghh he is so dope. Then we taught the restoration and he loved and understood everything. Saying everything was perfect for him. I couldn't even finish the baptism invitation and he was saying yes. He wants to get baptized the same day, Oct 29. Which is also his BIRTHDAY!! So lets hope and pray he will. He loves the feeling while reading the BOM and says its true. SO GOLDEN. He then came to EVERY session of General Conference this weekend.

That same feeling can and will be felt by all of us if we are truly reading it and praying with "Real Intent". I want all of you to know that I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and does "Contain the fullness of the gospel." 
But Gen. Conf. this weekend was also so great! Every talk gave important insight to how we can be better people. Now that we have all heard them, we need to act on them. So DO IT! I would love to hear from everyone on what their favorite talk was, and why! 

So. also this week. Xolani left to Zimbabwe and so we were all sad and missed him. But he will be a great missionary. He has been fellowshipping for two years. But in the mix of all the sadness, Mzo, his best friend has been hurting the most. So as a joke, I told him I'd give him 1000 rand (75$) to eat a pile of cow poop. (a couple hours fresh) He was serious about it. So I told him no and not to. But he was so set on making money, so he said if i eat just a handful it would be 150 rand (11$) and I agreed jokingly! AND HE DID IT! IT WAS SO AMAZING AND DISGUSTING!!!!!! But whatever, I'm out 11 bucks but it was the funniest thing. I feel so bad tho.. not really. 

We also got into a bible bash with a guy that is from a different church. It was going nowhere, but it was sooo funny. The false doctrine that was explained and what he said just made us laugh. I'm so glad that we have the ONLY true church. 

It is also so funny whenever you just ask investigators or members or less actives how their day was, or what they are doing, and they just feel so guilty and very sadly say, I didn't read. or I didn't pray. It is the complete different answer but it shows how humble the people are and that they really are sincere. One lady was confessing all of her sins and I was like nooo stop not to us haha but one thing was, she can't get rid of the guilt of paying her neighbor to go and kill her puppies for 10 rand a dog. People can't afford to keep them and they just get sick and die regardless, but these were hard on her and she needed to get rid of them. it was so sad but we were dying laughing. It is great to know that no matter what we have done, the Atonement is ALWAYS there and we can ALWAYS be forgiven.

Another highlight was finding a store with dr pepper!!1 FIRST PLACE SO I BOUGHT 10! SO GOOD. I am convinced it tastes better because i haven't had it in so long and that it is soo much better than the dirty water we have...
That is pretty much it. I am so thankful for all of the constant support and love and i can feel your prayers from everyone! I want you all to share the gospel everywhere you go, because you don't know who is being prepared for it. 
Love, Elder Ivins
Also, don't eat poop... 
1. Last night with X
2.Mashiqa family, recent converts who are always so kind and have us over a lot to visit.
3. Group of little girls who are daughter and neieces of a Investigotor named shelly we are teaching!
4.Mzo with poop
5. Found a shop that sells dr pepper. This was all they had.....

1. Beautiful SA sunset
2. Ivory homes in SA 😂😂
3. Annies cove

10/3/16 - You will eat these goat feet!

Jarod amazes me each week! His enthusiasm for the gospel and for being a missionary are so great!! I don't think all the pictures will send, so I will send them separately if I have to. Love to all of you who love Jarod!!! Have a great week and follow our cute Elder's advice, it will make you happy!!! Send him a little message, he told me in our "chat" (starting at 3:15 this morning!!!) that he really loves them and it helps him out!!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jarod Jason Ivins <>

Hello my people,
This week has been great and full of good things and hilarious things. First off, we went to a referrals house, and met with the mama, tata, mom and her kids. We just got to know them and then were leaving but asked if we could leave them with a prayer. Then the mom said they all pray at the same time, and for themselves, so i was a little confused. But, then everyone stood up and me, elder m
McCarroll and mzo and x were just freaking out. THEY ALL STARTED CHANTING AND YELLING IN XHOSA AND PRAYING. Gosh, funniest thing of my life. I was trying so hard to not laugh. Like seriously. Then the tata fell to the ground and started bowing down to the earth like ahhhh it was amazing, so we go out as soon as we could and busted up laughing. I felt bad because they are trying to worship God, but, hmm. Best laugh on mission for sure hahaha. 

But the rest of the week was pretty good. You get kinda into a routine, and its nice, but long days. We don't eat lunch too often because we try to get to the area earlier for appts and to contact. But then we get home so late, like 830 or 9 that I'm just starving haha. But its okay hhaa. The other day was Elder McCarrols birthday. And it, was scary. It started good and we had a nice huge breakfast. chef Ivins pulled out all the stops and burnt the bacon. What a joke. but haha then we were on our way to motherwell. And almost DIED. This flippin taxi cuts us off SO bad and we are going like 100km and then have to slam on our brakes. Then we were being chased by this HUGE dog, and i shut the gate, but accidentally shut McCarroll inside. And he had to fight and kick and beat this dog! He was yelling and had his scriptures ready to hit it. It was the funniest thing. Then we were walking and saw this old mama with two big buckets, walking with a tata with crutches. We stopped to help her and realized she was drunk and he was too. She grabbed the GOAT FEET out of the bucket and made us eat. It was AWFUL. They had been boiled and not cooked and it was cold and bad. I wasn't eating it, and so she took it from me, and then forced it into my mouth!!! then later we saw about 5 drunk girls get into a huge FIGHT! it was pretty sweet haha. Then, the other elders in our zone pranked us and somehow switched out keys with theirs so we thought our car broke as a prank for his birthday. It was awesome but i was actually scared cuz it was raining, and we would've been waiting for hours in the cold haha. 
Overall great day tho!

the PE ward watches conference but we unfortunately didn't know that till Sunday. But they watched the morning sessions live! So s
Sunday night we were able to watch Sunday morning live! It is so cool that 11000 miles away, we can hear the words of the Prophets. Study them, listen to them, They are scripture!

Also, this week, I have started to drive, and it is nuts. The other drivers are terrifying, and its on the other side, but its kinda cool like i do everything i can to feel like James Bond hahaha.

The cows here are skinny, and the township dogs too, and the goats, and the little kids. It is really sad, but they are so happy. I love it. It was cool we started to teach these less actives who's father is constantly in the hospital, and just seeing them come back to church and feel the love of the atonement is awesome.

I hope everyone is doing well. I love to hear from everyone and it makes my smile and love you all so much more!

We have a couple people preparing for baptism at the end of this month, so lets hope and pray they will continue to progress. One is a mama who's daughter is 11 and got baptized last month! Also, Lilhe is doing well and loves church. I love to see the blessings that come from the gospel and how if we search with real intent. The Savior will answer us. 

Elder Ivins

1. It is Xolani's last week, he is THE KING
2.Wild Zebras and Spring Box
3. This should be blown up so people know how great i am, LOL

4. Sick waves

9/26/16 - Tortoise anyone?

Jarod has had another great week! I was able to chat with him for about an hour in the wee hours of this wonderful Monday morning!! Whoever hates Mondays should definitely send a missionary out!! It is the best day of the week! Even better to email back and forth!! He sounds homesick in this letter, but when I asked him about it in our chat, he said he's not homesick at all, but just misses all the fun stuff everyone is doing! He lives right on the beach and has a great companion and loves the people there. He is already missing that he won't get to ski this year - maybe I shouldn't have sent him a picture of Snowbird's new FOOT of snow!!! He told me that we should all be jealous of him because he lives in paradise, and gets to serve the Lord every day in the beautiful township of Motherwell! Send him a little hello - is email address is above!! He'd love to hear from you all!!

Hello everyone! This week has been really good. Last p day we went to Sardinia beach (Maria) and then played soccer and dug holes and built sand castles and sculptures and also got our feet wet and stuff. It was seriously so pretty here.
But we had a lot of investigator lessons, and saw a lot of weird and awkward and awesome stuff. We went to visit Ali again, and he read and had questions and wanted to keep learning, I am really hoping he keeps progressing. But for other investigators it can be really hard at times to teach because of the lack of English understanding. We have to teach extremely simply. and scriptures are hard to use because they can't read really well. But when people have questions it is really awesome to see that they are understanding! 

Another time we were driving down the street, and out comes this mama, no shirt on. Just all out there. when she turned around we called her flapjacks hahaha but it was scary lol. There were also a bunch of boys that just go on runs for fun, also naked. 

Last week a drunk guy came up to us and wanted us to teach him, we went back to his house and ugh its frustration cuz he takes questions off topic so much and we can't teach very easily. But he had a daughter Lilhe who was really interested and then came to church!! (which is in the school you saw) and she has a lot of friends there and loved it! You can tell she'll be baptized, but not gonna say it just crossing my fingers haha. But she is progressing very well and we will teach her again Wednesday! 

It is really crazy though, because there is SO much trash. Everywhere. and as dad said, cows are all over. They eat plastic, and trash, and plastic, and ugh its gross. But funny. We had 86 people at church Sunday! The ward in Port Elizabeth averages around 75. It is crazy. Like they just need to hurry and build the chapel and get a ward! haha. But we park the car at church at 9 ish and then will walk and pick up investigators. It is really fun to see how dedicated people are to going to church. They live up to 45 minutes or an hour away walking, and with kids its longer at times and they go every week! The commitment. Never take church for granted! People save so much for a temple trip once a year to Joberg. But they love the Lord so much it is awesome and humbling. 

On Saturday it was heritage day! It was so cool because everyone dressed up in there African clothing and painted their faces and then a lot of dancing and singing. And then the members wore those to church Sunday too! It was so cool to see the diversity and how much they get into it! 

But yesterday, a member referred us to her cousin, who is an investigator, whose daughter got a really bad burn, and asked if we could go and help or give a blessing at all. So we went and it was so bad. The little 2 year old girl had fallen into a bucket of boiling or really hot water, and her whole chest and stomach and face and arms and hands and legs were burnt. BADLY. Like I asked Elder McCarroll how bad it was after, and he said it resembled how bad his hand was when it got burnt off kinda, so like 3rd degree and worse, but the mom carried her daughter into the front room and the girl was stiff and couldn't move because it was all painful. She looked so sad and just I felt so bad for her. We asked if she would like a blessing and she said yes please. So I thought elder McCarroll would give the blessing like earlier in the week when we blessed a 45 week pregnant mom, but he said he would anoint her, and then I would bless her. It was a lot of pressure and I was really nervous. Just trying to think what I should say, or I didn't want to mess up, and just thinking to how dad did blessings. But as soon as I put my hands as gently as I could on her head, this amazing feeling of peace and comfort came to me. My hands stopped shaking and I was fine. As I said the blessing, I knew that EVERY word came from our Father in Heaven. It was one of the coolest experiences. I am so thankful for that opportunity. It humbled me a lot and was a lot of support for the future.  

I miss home a lot, and hearing about the snow at Snowbird and the fall leaves and cool temperatures is so awesome! Because here it is starting to be spring and summer and is warm. Totally crazy and different. I hope you all are doing well! Its funny, this week people can't say Ivins still, so they call me alvin and say alvin and the chipmunks. and ah these people are so cool!

Love, Elder Ivins

9/19/16 - Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

So I am in a township called Motherwell. It is really cool. Everyone here is xhosa, so they all have crazy names, and I can't ever remember them. But my Trainer is Elder McCarroll. He is from Colorado and so awesome. He is a great teacher and a good example. I love how he is so supportive and compliments me it really helps me during lessons and studying. when he was on mission, he was helping someone with their oven, and got electricuted really bad, and had 2 surgeries here, and then ended up going home for 3 more on his hand. so he lost part of his last 3 fingers. He got back to mission a couple months ago. He is always serving me and its so kind. His birthday is Oct 1, so I gotta make something good. A senior couple lives right by us so every night they make us dinner. We had salmon last night, amazing, nd tacos and burritos and soup and chicken the nights before. But they are getting transferred next week, so we will have to cook now, co maybe mom you could send me like your top 15 cheapest and easiest recipes. 

 Teaching real people is so cool. Being in there small homes and telling them somthing that will change there lives is incredible. I love it. But it has been a big culture shock. They have so little. but everyone is so happy. The kids play soccer in the street with flat balls, or rocks, and the whole city is covered in trash. It is really sad, but humbling. Their livestock of cows and goats just roam freely and eat anything. But we live about 5 minutes away in bluewater bay, in a condo place or whatever called aloe views. 

Everyone is so impressed with how well I can click, so I am hoping that I will be able to learn more xhosa while I am here. It is so crazy to here them speak. We have 2 fellowshippers that come with us everyday, Xolani and Mzo. They are kinda teaching me, but they have been fellowshipping for 2 years and every day they go with missionaries. They are basicaly returned missionaries. X is leavingin two weeks to serve in zimbabwe and the mzo is putting his papers in in a month! 

We met a man the other day names Ali, he is really cool and was a referral. Elder mccarrol got a call from President right as we walked in, and was gone for like 20 minutes. This is my second day here. And i taught him almost the whole restoration. i hope he keeps progressing. It was siuch a cool experience just having him engaged the whole time. 

At church yesterday, was really cool! They have a branch here, and the church has bought land already to build a chapel, so right now they meet in a school. I had to give a talk and was told the minute I walked in haha. But there was 81 people there!! We had a lot of investigators and less actives there too! But the other people who spoke, it would be half english, and half xhosa. So I understood some things hahah. 
The little kids here are to die for. They never stop smiling and I could just play with them all day. one kid, names spar, is my favorite haha we have a handshake and played all after church. 

Because I am the new elder, every person and family and lesson we have taught, I have said the prayers. we ask who would you like to say it, and everyone immedietly points at me. Its pretty funny. 

One of these p days we are gonna go to some game reserves! See a lot of elephants and giraffes maybe ride elephants and also see cheetas!! So stoked haha.

elder bozer is in my district and so we see them a lot. But yesterday they were in a car accident and so they slept at our house and do stuff with us. We are going to go play soccer at the beach today with the zone! again, they saw my picutre book so I wouldnt be surprised if elder mccarroll emailed annie hahahaha.

I love you guys and miss everyone so much. This place is amazing and I already love the people. 

Elder Ivins

9/12/16 3rd week - in the mission home

I thought we weren't getting a letter this week, but I was WRONG!!! Usually I hate being wrong, but this is a great kind of wrong to be! I got to chat with him for all of one question, but it felt so close, not anywhere near the 9,695 miles it actually is!! I was on the phone with Jason and he got an email (that I wasn't included on btw) so I was totally dying. I had my phone right by me and then, what do I get? A letter that his MTC companion sends to Annie!! What the?? (All emails that are sent to my kids also go to me, that's how I knew Elder Heald was emailing Annie. Apparently Jarod was trying to choke him as he wrote because Annie had actually written back to him!! He's darling, and 9,695 miles away is a good distance for a bf!!) So I hurried and emailed Jarod again asking if he was on and he said YES! That was it. Well, thanks a lot kiddo. Anway, a few mins later this little gem came through. He still hasn't answered even one of my questions, but I'll forgive him!! 

Sorry Tanya, about the nice water bottle you gave him. He is bummed about it!! 

Enjoy our crazy boy's letter! I sure hope his hair grows out quickly!! I never once gave him a buzz as a kid. Who would with that amazing hair he has??? 

P.S. He said that some kids aren't getting his emails. If you know someone who isn't, please let me know so I can add them to the list!!!


About time to be about of the mtc. the food was trash and i don't think i could've lasted longer. But today we left to cape town around 7 and flight left around 835 and got here around 11. President and Sister Merrill are really awesome. They picked 7 of us and we met 6 missionaries in this bus station and train station. We set goals to have 8 contacts and 5 lessons taught and 2 BOMs placed in 1 hour. I thought this was crazy but, we went forward. It was crazy. almost everyone knows about Christ, which helped a lot, but one person in particular had his 3 kids there and we started talking to them. A concern he had was how he can be a better father and bless his family. LIKE WHAT. LISTEN UP. He was really interested and just feeding on what we said. One other taxi driver wanted to know how to make his family happy. COME ON OVER. It was great. It built my testimony soo much and finally it was real people. It wasn't fake and it meant a lot more to me. But after they said that that was one of the hardest areas, and one of the most dangerous places of the area. So.. that was sketchy. But it was relieving to know that because hopefully it will be better. We already know where we are going, and on Wednesday I along with about 10 others are leaving cape town and going to Eastern Cape. So Im going to Port Elizabeth around there. One of the best parts and growing so strong right now from what the ap said. So I hope I can do my best to help and build the gospel. 

When we got here before teaching, the 7 of us and the two ap's went to a place called Signal Hill. SO BEAUTIFUL. I took a bunch of pictures, but I can't send them rn, so I will later. But its on the end of Lions head, and you can see all of Table Mountain, The ocean, the whole city, the soccer stadium, robben island, a way nice resort and club, and just ugh. Look it up and then imagine it 1000 times better because that's what I'm seeing. HAHA but its truly amazing. You can totally see God's hand in everything.

One thing that was cool was hearing everyone say that we never waste any of the Lords time. So all think of that. It's HIS TIME. So DON'T WASTE IT!!

 I don't have much time now, but I hope to be able to email a lot next week. I love you all!!

Elder Ivins

Also, my water bottle got stolen so that stinks, ill just buy another one.

Some friends emailed me saying they aren't getting some of my emails, so maybe just check everyone from like the instagram comments are on. Idk it miught just be easier to forward them. But other than that I think I'm great!! Wish I would've brought more ties, but that's easy to buy. 


9/6/16 Second week


So this week was really cool! We went to the temple on thursday and it was about 30 minutes away. Even driving there it was kind of a culture shock of just how many people suffer and don't have anything. But everyone is so humble. The temple is really small but being there was such a great experience. I loved to be able to just sit and feel the spirit for a while. It is so cool that no matter what we are doing here, the Holy Ghost is with us. 

After the temple we convinced our teacher to take the 4 of us, (Me, Bozer, Heald, and Ondracek) to mcdonalds, and yeah, that was a huge blessing hahaha. But then that night because some companionships were struggling they did transfers. So my new companion is Elder Heald from kaysville and he is so awesome! We are so alike and jokesters and stuff I love it. But it is so cool when we teach it was the strongest spirit in a lesson I have had. We work really well together and I love to be able to rely on him. We have our own room in the basesment and man its the best haha. Last night I taught him how to yoyo and so any break we get thats what we do haha.

I have learned so much about the gospel its crazy. How everything fits i just think how could people not get baptized after hearing the first lesson. I am so excited to get to Cape town though, because it is sometimes hard to teach "investigators" that are just acting. Its hard to recall scriptures, but at times when we don't know just testify. Because even though people can bible bash, they can never argue with your testimony. so my best experience other than the temple, has just been when we are in a lesson and it is silent and all you can feel is the spirit. 

President Ashton read us the recap of the Byu game sunday night and I was chewing on a plastic cup that by the end of the game i was standing and the cup was shredded on the floor. Im so jealous you guys went. But now that confidence will help them to BEAT UTAH on saturday. GO COUGARS!!!! Its crazy that a year ago I could watch football all day, and now its the complete opposite. The days are longs,  but at the end you think wow that was fast. 

I am missing everyone so much and its great to get emails and to know whats going on. I can feel all of the support and I need it. 

My rash is completely gone tho!! It turned like all black the day after the doctor and then peeled over the next two days. But I am so glad it did it was awful hahah.

There is so much about the that we take for granted and we all need to know that God Loves us. Alma 32 is a great chapter on faith and we need to always know that there is hope. I Love you all!! 

8/30/16 First letter

Well. First week has been crazy. Long, fun, spiritual, and so much learning. I am loving the MTC. There are 27 of us here and 20 are going to Cape Town. The others are going to either zimbabwe or kenya! Its cool that we all are here together. 10000 miles away. But, there is no other place I would rather be. There are about 15 missionaries in the Provo MTC and they will be meeting us in Cape Town. 

SO, I have felt every like emotion you can imagine. Physical, spiritual, emotional, just wow It is awesome being here. I think the reason I got sick was because of some chicken for dinner that just hit me so wrong. It was actually awful. So throwing up was not the highlight of the week. Hahaha but I did have some jet lag the first 2 days but getting here at night really helped.But just the fact I was on a plane for 16 hours without stopping was weird. But the people of South AFrica are so cool. When we were going through the aiport we had to check in, and I asked a question to the two lady workers about what the purpose of something was. They looked at each other and just started laughing. like, full on shouting laughter and pointing at me. It was humbling and I also just thought like, What?!?! It was way funny. 

President and Sister Ashton are so cool. They are way funny together and they make it real fun to be here. on the first full day here they set up companionships, and my companion is Elder Bozer! He is way cool and from Gilbert Arizona area. He is way smart in the gospel and it helps to have him when we teach. We ran a marathon last year and all this summer before coming to the MTC he was a veil worker and ordinance worker in the temple!! We get along pretty well and I love him already. That first day, me and him were made Zone Leaders over the whole MTC. It is kinda a lot of pressure but its actually way fun. They said we have to b e the best example to everyone and of course be the MOST OBEDIENT to show that example.Our district/room is so fun and its cool cuz at times we are all fun and joking and then other we can feel the spirit soooo strong. Its so cool to hear everyones testimonies as we all grow and learn together.

We started teaching the next day and the investigators are return missionaries and it is cool because they try to give you the hardest reasons and questions they can to prepare us for the field. It helps a lot but is a real eye opener and humbly that we don't know everything, and that when people ask us questions we don't know, that is okay! Just tell them and go find out!

Me and 7 other elders were asked to sing in sacrament on Sunday. I was a little worried, cuz I'm quite awful at singing. But We sang hymn 335. And it was soooooo cool. We brought the spirit so strong and it was a great meeting. A couple missionaries were asked to speak and then the president and his wife and their sons too. The spirit was sooooo strong. I loved it and sunday was by far the best day.

The second day, I started to get a rash from these new shirts, as did most people, but mine was the worst haha. So I put that new lotion on and I didn't read that it is "bathe lotion" and you are supposed to wash it off, but it cause me to have a HUGE rash on my neck. I would send pictures but the computers have awful internet so we can't send pictures in the MTC, but I will when I get to the field. Anyway, This rash hurt so bad. so I kept putting more and more on. Which made it worse and worse. We all thought I started to get a reaction to the food, or the shots, or to the pillow or to something. I used other lotion from others and I guess that mixed with the lotion and has been making it worse It is like black on my neck and looks and feels like elephant skin! So now I am called elder puke, elder elephant, elder rash, or elder Ivins. Its all funny tho. So this morning the secratary took me and my companion to a doctors office about 20 minutes away. They drive over there was crazy. People just cross whenever, a motorcycle has 6 people on it, and then a super small truk had 4 people inside and about 15 in the bed. But the doctor said it turned into a chemical burn!!! and it was working its way up my neck and onto my face and mouth. So he gave me some pills and this special lotion so hopefully It will go away.  It burns and itches ugh its the worst hahahha. But it has been cool in a way because everyone here has been so willing and so kind to help me. They always ask if they can help or if it hurts or say its getting better. This morning another kid had an allergic reaction and his eys swelled shut and then his companion and some people in his dtistrict gave him a blessing. It was the kid from boise who gave it. It was so cool to see how he is that young and inexperienced but the Lord was talking through him. 

There are 2 elders from England, 2 from South Africa, and then one from Australia and 1 from New zealand. The rest of us are utah, arizona, nevada, cali, and spokanne! The food has been allright. Kinda weird. We have eaten horse, donkey, goat and weird yogurt to name a few hahaha. 


It has been hard to face trials and to be so far from home, family, and friends and it seems easiest to give up. But I won' and neither will you guys! Keep your head up! This week I have learned so much about the gospel and how to use the Holy Ghost. My testimony is so much stronger and I love how the Spirit is always here. I know God lives and that He loves us and Blesses Families. 

I Love you ALL!!!!!

Elder Ivins

(Elder puke, Elder Elephant, and Elder rash)